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Pantai Biru Baths

This tourist attraction is located in the Village Pamah Tambunan about 8 km from the capital district Salapian or 50 miles from the city of Binjai. Recreational areas with bathing beach is called Blue because the river is crystal clear and cool and bluish color that makes the rocks in the river bed apparent.

Baths crowded nature of this river, especially during school holidays as a recreation area with mountain air. This location is also suitable camping spot, especially for adolescents.

Besides the coolness of the water, there is a mini-style baths around a cave by the local people called the cave "natural burrows". These caves are often entered by the visitors because it is not dangerous and is also used as a shelter in the rain.

Scenery around is still a natural attraction, where we can also see a beehive hanging from the river ditebing recognized by local people is never empty since the 50-year-lau, even when many could reach more than 10 bee hives.

The beauty and coolness of the river water Piang, Coastal Blue Baths are a major attraction of this tourist attraction. Coupled with the entertainment band or keyboard during holidays and big days, which makes visitors multiply.

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